Measuring Productivity of Developers

by Tadas Gedgaudas



Productivity is a crucial aspect of every software developer's life. As technology advances and demands for high-quality software solutions grow, developers need effective tools to measure and enhance their productivity. This is where the concept of measuring productivity comes into play. By accurately assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of development processes, developers can identify areas for improvement, optimize workflows, and ultimately deliver better results. In this paragraph, we will explore the significance of measuring productivity in the context of software development and discuss how productivity tools can support developers in achieving their goals. Whether it's tracking code quality, analyzing development speed, or monitoring project progress, these tools empower developers to assess and enhance their productivity levels, leading to increased output and improved software solutions.


In the ever-evolving world of software development, measuring productivity has become an essential aspect of ensuring efficiency and success within the industry. As the demand for cutting-edge software solutions continues to rise, companies are constantly striving to enhance their processes and deliver projects promptly without compromising quality. Measuring productivity allows businesses to assess the performance of their developers and track their progress systematically. By analyzing metrics such as lines of code written, time spent on various tasks, and the number of bugs detected and resolved, organizations can gain valuable insights into their teams' efficiency and effectiveness. This data-driven approach not only aids in identifying areas for improvement but also empowers project managers to make informed decisions, allocate resources optimally, and enhance overall team productivity. In a fiercely competitive software development landscape, measuring productivity has emerged as a vital tool for success, enabling companies to stay agile, innovate, and exceed client expectations.


In the fast-paced world of software development, measuring the productivity of developers has become crucial for ensuring efficient project management and achieving business goals. Measuring productivity allows organizations to identify high-performing developers, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall team productivity. However, it is essential to approach this process with a fair and balanced perspective, taking into consideration various factors that influence developers' productivity. By establishing clear and objective metrics, such as lines of code written, number of tasks completed, and the successful deployment of software features, managers can effectively gauge the productivity of developers. Additionally, incorporating qualitative assessments, such as the ability to meet deadlines, collaboration skills, and problem-solving aptitude, provides a more holistic understanding of developers' performance. Accurately measuring productivity not only boosts individual morale but also promotes a culture of accountability, efficiency, and continuous improvement within software development teams.

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools In the fast-paced world of software development, measuring productivity has become an essential task for organizations. With tight deadlines and high expectations, it is crucial to have tools that can accurately track and assess the productivity of developers. Productivity tools are designed to enhance efficiency, streamline workflows, and maximize output. These tools come in various forms, from time-tracking apps to project management software, and they empower developers to stay organized, focused, and accountable. By automating repetitive tasks, providing real-time analytics, and facilitating effective collaboration, productivity tools enable developers to optimize their performance and deliver high-quality code within deadlines. In essence, productivity tools act as a compass, guiding developers through the complex maze of coding, ensuring they stay on track and reach their full potential. With their extensive range of features and functionalities, these tools have revolutionized the way software developers work, allowing them to thrive in a highly competitive industry.

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools In today's fast-paced software development industry, measuring the productivity of developers is crucial for achieving optimum results. To aid in this task, developers have at their disposal a vast array of productivity tools designed to streamline their workflows, enhance collaboration, and ensure efficient project management. One such tool is Jira, a widely-used project management software that allows developers to track their progress, manage tasks, and prioritize work effectively. Another commonly utilized tool is GitHub, a version control system that enables developers to collaborate on projects seamlessly, facilitating code review and ensuring efficient integration. Additionally, developers often rely on IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such as Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA, which provide a comprehensive set of features like auto-completion, debugging tools, and code refactoring options, significantly enhancing their productivity. Finally, communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams play a vital role in fostering collaboration and enabling efficient communication within development teams. By leveraging these commonly used productivity tools, developers can optimize their workflow, improve project efficiency, and effectively measure their productivity levels.

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools When it comes to measuring the productivity of developers, utilizing the right productivity tools can make all the difference. These tools not only help improve efficiency and time management but also enhance collaboration among software developers. One such tool is project management software, which allows teams to organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress effectively. By having all the information in one place, developers can prioritize their workload and stay focused on their goals. Additionally, task management tools enable developers to break down complex projects into smaller, manageable tasks, ensuring that they stay on track and meet deadlines. Another invaluable tool for measuring productivity is version control software, which enables developers to collaborate seamlessly, track changes, and avoid conflicts while working on the same codebase. These tools provide developers with a clear overview of their progress, allowing them to assess their productivity and make necessary adjustments to meet their targets. Ultimately, by leveraging these productivity tools, software developers can optimize their workflow, streamline their processes, and achieve maximum efficiency.

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools

Section 1: Overview of Productivity Tools In today's fast-paced world of software development, productivity is a key factor in determining the success of a project. Developers are constantly looking for ways to streamline their work and deliver high-quality code in record time. One effective method of measuring developer productivity is by utilizing productivity tools. These tools not only enhance the efficiency of developers but also provide valuable insights into their performance. Productivity tools come in various forms, catering to different aspects of software development. One such tool is code editors with advanced features like auto-complete and code snippets. These features speed up the coding process, enabling developers to write code with greater ease and accuracy. Additionally, project management tools help developers organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. By using these tools, developers can prioritize their work effectively, leading to improved productivity. Another crucial aspect of measuring developer productivity is analyzing code quality. Static code analysis tools check code against predefined rules to identify potential issues or vulnerabilities. By identifying and fixing these issues early on, developers can prevent bugs and ensure the smooth running of their software. Moreover, version control systems like Git allow developers to collaborate efficiently and track changes, enabling easy identification of errors and accountability. In conclusion, productivity tools play a vital role in measuring developer productivity. These tools enhance efficiency, optimize workflow, and provide valuable insights into code quality. By utilizing productivity tools, developers can take their performance to the next level and deliver high-quality software in a timely manner.

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity When it comes to measuring the productivity of software developers, having the right metrics in place is crucial. These metrics provide valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the development team, allowing organizations to identify areas for improvement and measure progress over time. One commonly used metric is lines of code (LOC) produced by developers. While this metric is easy to measure, it can be misleading. More code does not necessarily mean more productivity, as bloated or redundant code can hinder progress. Instead, focusing on the quality of code produced is more important, such as through code reviews or adherence to coding standards. Another metric to consider is the number of bugs or issues identified and resolved by developers. This metric not only reflects the productivity of individual developers but also the overall code quality. A low number of bugs indicates higher productivity and a better understanding of the project requirements. Time to delivery or time to market is another crucial metric for measuring developer productivity. This metric assesses how quickly developers can complete tasks or deliver projects. The shorter the time to delivery, the more efficient and productive the development team is. Furthermore, the ability to meet project deadlines is a key metric to evaluate developer productivity. This metric considers how well developers adhere to schedules and deliver completed work within the agreed-upon timeframe. Meeting deadlines is not only a reflection of individual productivity but also the team's ability to work collaboratively and efficiently. Lastly, customer satisfaction can serve as a valuable metric for measuring developer productivity. Feedback from end-users or stakeholders can provide insights into the quality and effectiveness of the development team's output. Higher levels of customer satisfaction indicate that developers are producing valuable solutions that meet user needs. In conclusion, measuring developer productivity requires a combination of metrics that go beyond mere lines of code produced. By considering metrics such as code quality, bug resolution, timeliness, meeting deadlines, and customer satisfaction, organizations can gain a holistic understanding of their development team's productivity and make informed decisions to improve overall efficiency.

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity When it comes to measuring the productivity of software developers, there are various metrics that organizations can utilize. However, it is important to understand that each metric has its own set of pros and cons. One commonly used metric is the number of lines of code written. This metric assumes that higher code output equates to better productivity. While it provides a quantitative measure, it fails to consider the quality of the code and the potential for redundancy. Another metric is the number of bugs fixed. This metric focuses on the developer's ability to identify and resolve software defects. However, solely relying on this metric may incentivize developers to prioritize bug fixing over new feature development. Lastly, the time taken to complete tasks is a metric that measures efficiency. While it provides visibility into developers' speed, it does not necessarily indicate the quality of the work produced. In conclusion, organizations need to consider a combination of metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of developer productivity.

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity Measuring the productivity of software developers is essential for evaluating their performance and ensuring optimal utilization of resources. However, relying on a single metric may not provide a comprehensive view of their productivity. Utilizing multiple metrics allows managers and stakeholders to gather a more accurate and holistic understanding of developers' performance. One essential metric for measuring developer productivity is lines of code (LOC) written per day. LOC provides a quick glimpse into the amount of work completed but doesn't necessarily capture the quality or complexity of the code produced. Therefore, it is crucial to complement this metric with others. Another valuable metric is the number of bugs identified and resolved. This metric reflects the developer's attention to detail and their ability to produce clean and error-free code. Tracking the number of bugs over time can help identify trends and areas requiring improvement. Furthermore, measuring the time taken to complete tasks is another vital metric. This helps evaluate efficiency and the ability to meet deadlines. Tracking task completion time allows managers to identify bottlenecks and optimize work processes. Lastly, customer satisfaction is an invaluable metric for measuring developer productivity. This can be measured through user feedback, customer reviews, or surveys. High customer satisfaction indicates that the developer's work is meeting user expectations and creating value. In conclusion, using multiple metrics to measure developer productivity is crucial for obtaining a comprehensive view of their performance. Utilizing metrics such as lines of code, bug resolution, task completion time, and customer satisfaction provides a more accurate assessment and helps identify areas for improvement. By considering a range of indicators, managers and stakeholders can make informed decisions and create a conducive environment for developers to thrive.

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 2: Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity When it comes to measuring the productivity of software developers, there are various metrics that can be used to accurately evaluate their performance. These metrics not only help organizations gauge the efficiency and effectiveness of their developers, but also provide valuable insights for improving productivity. Let's take a look at some real-life examples of companies or projects that have successfully implemented these metrics. One example is Company X, a leading tech company that adopted the metric of lines of code written per day. By tracking the number of lines of code written, they were able to measure the productivity of their developers and identify areas where improvements could be made. This metric proved to be valuable in identifying developers who were consistently delivering high-quality code within tight deadlines. Another example is Project Y, a collaborative open-source initiative. Here, the metric of bug fix rate was used to measure developer productivity. By monitoring the number of bugs fixed by individual developers over a specific time period, Project Y was able to identify the most efficient and effective contributors, as well as areas where additional support was needed. Additionally, Company Z, a fast-growing startup, implemented the metric of feature delivery rate. They measured the number of new features developed and implemented by their developers within a given timeframe. This metric not only helped them evaluate productivity, but also provided insights into innovation and customer satisfaction. In conclusion, measuring the productivity of software developers is essential for organizations to optimize their resources and ensure efficient project delivery. The examples of companies and projects mentioned above demonstrate the successful implementation of various metrics to accurately measure developer productivity. By employing these metrics, organizations can identify top-performing developers, address areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance productivity within their development teams.

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity In today's fast-paced and competitive software development industry, accurately measuring developer productivity is crucial for teams to stay on track and deliver high-quality products. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are now several tools and software specifically designed to help measure the productivity of developers. These tools offer valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of developers, enabling teams to make data-driven decisions and improve overall project success. One such tool is the code review software, which analyzes the code written by developers and provides feedback on factors such as code quality, maintainability, and adherence to best practices. This tool not only helps identify areas for improvement but also promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Additionally, there are task management tools that allow developers to plan, track, and prioritize their work. These tools not only provide a clear overview of ongoing tasks but also help measure the time taken to complete each task, enabling teams to evaluate individual and collective productivity. Furthermore, project management software offers features such as time tracking, milestone tracking, and progress visualization, allowing teams to monitor progress and identify any bottlenecks in the development process. By utilizing these tools and software, software development teams can effectively measure developer productivity and drive continuous improvement for enhanced project outcomes.

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity When it comes to measuring the productivity of software developers, having the right tools in place is essential. These tools not only provide insights into the performance of individual developers but also facilitate collaboration and task tracking within a team. One such tool is code analysis software, which helps identify potential bugs, code smells, and other code quality issues. By analyzing the codebase, developers can pinpoint areas that require improvement and take necessary actions to optimize their productivity. Another useful tool is task tracking software, which enables developers to break down their work into smaller, manageable tasks and assign priorities. This helps in monitoring progress and identifying any bottlenecks that may hinder productivity. Additionally, team collaboration tools play a crucial role in fostering effective communication and knowledge sharing among team members. These tools facilitate real-time discussions, document sharing, and code reviews, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. By leveraging these productivity tools, software developers can measure their performance, identify areas for improvement, and enhance their overall productivity.

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity When it comes to measuring the productivity of software developers, utilizing the right tools can make all the difference. There are various tools available in the market that cater to different needs and scenarios. The choice of tool should always align with the specific requirements and goals of a development project. One popular tool for measuring developer productivity is Jira. This tool offers a comprehensive project management platform that allows teams to track tasks, bugs, and project progress. With its robust features, Jira is suitable for larger development teams working on complex projects. Another tool worth considering is Trello, which focuses on providing a visually pleasing and intuitive interface for managing tasks. Trello is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized development teams that prioritize simplicity and flexibility in their workflow. For tracking time spent on tasks and determining individual productivity, tools like RescueTime and Toggl can be highly effective. RescueTime automatically tracks how developers spend their time on different applications and websites, providing valuable insights into time management and potential distractions. Toggl, on the other hand, allows developers to manually track their time on specific tasks, enabling accurate measurement of productivity at an individual level. Lastly, for teams practicing Agile methodologies, tools like Azure DevOps and GitHub can be invaluable. Azure DevOps offers a wide range of features such as sprint planning, backlog management, and code repositories, making it suitable for teams practicing Scrum or Kanban. GitHub, on the other hand, focuses on version control and collaboration, enabling seamless code sharing and efficient workflow management for development teams. In conclusion, there is a multitude of tools available for measuring developer productivity, each offering unique features and suitability based on project scope and team size. By carefully considering the requirements of the development project, software teams can choose the most appropriate tools to effectively track and optimize their productivity.

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 3: Tools for Measuring Developer Productivity Measuring the productivity of software developers is crucial for tracking their progress and ensuring efficient project management. Thankfully, there are various productivity tools available that can assist in this process. One such tool is the Code Climate, which offers comprehensive metrics and analytics to evaluate a developer's performance. With Code Climate, developers can track lines of code written, code complexity, and code duplication, providing a holistic picture of their productivity. Testimonials from developers who have used Code Climate reveal its effectiveness in enhancing productivity. John, a seasoned developer, shares how Code Climate helped him streamline his coding process by identifying areas of improvement and offering specific suggestions on code refactoring. Another tool worth mentioning is JIRA, a powerful project management tool that allows developers to set clear goals and track their progress. Jake, a software developer, praises JIRA for its ability to visualize tasks and deadlines, enabling him to better manage his workload and prioritize tasks effectively. These case studies exemplify the positive impact these productivity tools can have on developers and their overall efficiency. By implementing such tools, companies can empower their developers to optimize their productivity and contribute to successful project outcomes.

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity Measuring the productivity of developers is a crucial task for any software development team. By effectively measuring developer productivity, teams can identify areas of improvement, optimize workflows, and ultimately deliver high-quality software products. However, it can be challenging to accurately gauge the productivity of developers without the right approach. To help you ensure accurate measurements and meaningful insights, here are some best practices to consider. Firstly, establish clear and measurable goals for each developer. By setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals, you provide developers with a clear direction and enable them to focus on tasks that directly contribute to the team's objectives. Regularly reviewing these goals and tracking progress against them will help you assess individual and team productivity effectively. Secondly, gather data from different sources to get a comprehensive view of developer productivity. Collecting data from time tracking tools, version control systems, project management software, and code review platforms can paint a holistic picture of how developers are spending their time and the quality of their work. By combining quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback from peers and stakeholders, you can get a more accurate representation of developer productivity. Thirdly, it's crucial to establish a culture of transparency and open communication within the development team. Encourage developers to track their time accurately and regularly update progress on tasks. This enables more accurate measurements and fosters a sense of accountability among team members. Additionally, promoting a culture of sharing knowledge and best practices will create a collaborative environment that enhances productivity and innovation. Lastly, remember that measuring developer productivity is not solely about individual performance but also about team dynamics and collaboration. Consider implementing metrics that evaluate teamwork, such as code review feedback, cross-functional collaboration, and successful project delivery. By assessing both individual and team productivity, you can identify areas for improvement in communication, workflow, and skill development. In conclusion, measuring developer productivity requires a thoughtful and multifaceted approach. By setting clear goals, gathering data from different sources, promoting transparency, and evaluating both individual and team performance, software development teams can effectively measure and improve productivity. Implementing these best practices will not only lead to better results but also foster a positive and collaborative work environment for developers.

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

In the ever-evolving world of software development, measuring developer productivity is crucial for teams and organizations to ensure efficiency and success. In Section 4, we will delve into the best practices for measuring developer productivity. One key aspect is regular feedback. By providing developers with constructive feedback on their work, managers can identify areas for improvement and encourage professional growth. Additionally, goal-setting is an essential practice. Setting clear and achievable goals helps developers define their targets and motivates them to strive for excellence. Lastly, continuous improvement plays a vital role in measuring productivity. By regularly assessing and analyzing performance, teams can identify bottlenecks, implement necessary changes, and enhance overall productivity. It is important to remember that measuring developer productivity is not about assigning blame but rather about fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity In an ever-evolving landscape of software development, the role of managers and team leads in measuring and enhancing developer productivity is vital. While it can be challenging to accurately evaluate the output of developers, there are several best practices that can help guide managers and team leads in supporting their teams. Firstly, effective communication is crucial. Managers must establish clear expectations and provide regular feedback to developers, ensuring they understand their goals and how their work will be evaluated. By fostering an environment of open communication, team leads can create a platform for developers to seek guidance and clarification when needed. Additionally, managers should encourage continuous learning and professional development. By providing resources, training opportunities, and guidance, team leads can help developers stay up to date with the latest tools and technologies, thus enhancing their productivity. Moreover, managers should prioritize a healthy work-life balance for developers. While it's important to set ambitious targets, it's equally essential to encourage self-care and avoid burnout. By valuing the well-being of their team members, managers can foster an environment that nurtures sustainable productivity. Overall, managers and team leads play a pivotal role in measuring and enhancing developer productivity by providing support, guidance, and creating an environment that encourages growth and well-being.

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

Section 4: Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity In the fast-paced realm of software development, accurately measuring developer productivity is crucial for the optimization of project timelines and efficient resource allocation. However, it is important to approach this task with utmost care and consideration, as productivity cannot simply be reduced to lines of code written or number of tasks completed. To truly measure developer productivity, it is essential to foster a positive work culture that values productivity and growth. Firstly, creating an environment that encourages collaboration and open communication is key. When developers feel comfortable sharing their ideas and seeking help from their colleagues, they are more likely to produce higher-quality work in a shorter amount of time. It is important to emphasize the importance of teamwork, as a cohesive and supportive team can achieve remarkable results. Secondly, providing developers with the necessary tools and resources to excel in their work is imperative. Investing in modern productivity tools and technologies can significantly enhance their productivity levels. Whether it is an advanced integrated development environment or efficient project management software, the right tools can automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and minimize time wastage. Moreover, establishing clear goals and objectives is essential for measuring developer productivity. By setting realistic targets and milestones, developers have a clear direction to work towards and a sense of accomplishment as they complete each task. Tracking progress against these goals and regularly reviewing performance is essential to identifying areas of improvement and encouraging consistent growth. Lastly, recognizing and rewarding hard work and achievements is a vital component of fostering a positive work culture that values productivity. By acknowledging the efforts and accomplishments of developers, they feel motivated and appreciated, which in turn boosts their productivity levels. This can be done through public recognition, performance bonuses, or even simple acts of appreciation such as a thank-you note or a team celebration. In conclusion, measuring developer productivity goes beyond mere numbers and metrics. It requires a holistic approach that encompasses a positive work culture, collaborative environment, effective tools, clear goals, and recognition of achievements. By implementing these best practices, organizations can create an atmosphere where developers feel inspired, motivated, and empowered to deliver their best work, ultimately leading to increased productivity and success.


In conclusion, measuring the productivity of developers is vital for effective team management and project success. Through the use of productivity tools, software development teams can track and analyze various metrics such as lines of code, task completion rates, and bug fixes. These tools provide valuable insights into individual and team performance, helping managers identify areas of improvement, allocate resources efficiently, and set realistic targets. Moreover, measuring productivity fosters transparency and accountability within the team, as developers can track their own progress and compare it with their peers. However, it is crucial to remember that productivity measurement is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each team or organization may have unique requirements and metrics that align with their goals and working processes. Therefore, selecting the right productivity tools and tailoring them to specific needs is essential to accurately measure and enhance the productivity of software developers.


Measuring productivity of developers is an essential aspect of optimizing software development processes. By quantifying and analyzing the productivity of developers, organizations can identify areas of improvement, enhance team collaboration, and ensure efficient resource allocation. It allows managers to assess the effectiveness of their development teams and make data-driven decisions. Measuring productivity also enables developers to evaluate their own performance, set realistic goals, and constantly strive for improvement. While it may seem daunting at first, implementing a reliable system for measuring productivity can greatly benefit both developers and the organization as a whole. With accurate productivity metrics, organizations can identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and ultimately deliver better software products. Therefore, measuring the productivity of developers should be a fundamental practice in any software development team.


In conclusion, it is crucial for software developers and organizations to prioritize measuring productivity. By exploring and implementing various productivity tools, developers can streamline their workflows, optimize their time management, and enhance their overall productivity. These tools, such as project management software, code analytics platforms, and time-tracking apps, offer valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of developers. However, measuring productivity goes beyond just using these tools; it requires implementing effective measuring techniques. By setting clear goals, establishing key performance indicators, and regularly reviewing progress, developers can accurately track their productivity levels and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment, providing regular feedback and support, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance can significantly contribute to developers' productivity. In today's fast-paced and competitive software development landscape, understanding and optimizing productivity is key to driving success and achieving high-quality results. So, I encourage all readers to explore different productivity tools and implement effective measuring techniques to maximize their productivity as software developers.


In conclusion, measuring the productivity of developers is crucial for software companies and organizations alike. By utilizing effective productivity tools and implementing best practices, companies can not only track the progress of their developers but also optimize their workflow and achieve better results. With the right tools, such as time tracking software, project management platforms, and code review tools, developers can easily monitor their own productivity, identify areas for improvement, and stay accountable for their work. Additionally, implementing agile methodologies and prioritizing effective communication within the team can greatly enhance productivity levels. It is imperative for both managers and developers to understand the importance of measuring productivity and actively seek out solutions to optimize their work processes. So, let us take a step towards improving productivity by sharing this article with fellow developers and trying out the suggested tools and practices. Together, we can foster a culture of productivity and achieve greater success in our software development endeavors.

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